Conventional (Public) Housing Program
Public Housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Public housing comes in all sizes and types, from scattered single family houses to apartments for elderly families. There are approximately 1.3 million households living in public housing units, managed by some 3,300 HAs. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers Federal aid to local housing agencies (HAs) that manage the housing for residents at rents they can afford. HUD furnishes technical and professional assistance in planning, developing and managing these developments.
Stanislaus Housing Authority uses income limits developed by HUD. HUD sets the lower income limits at 80% and very low income limits at 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which you choose to live. Income limits vary from area to area so you may be eligible at one HA but not at another. The Modesto area public housing income limits for fiscal year 2017 are:
Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s
If you have any questions or would like to apply for 4 -5 bedroom units only please call (209) 557-2046.